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Англо-русский геологический словарь - raw


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   1. adj.  1) сырой, недоваренный; непропеченный, недожаренный  2) необработанный; he drank it raw - он выпил (спирт, виски и т.п.), не добавляя воды - raw material - raw stuff - raw brick - raw hide - raw ore - raw spirit - raw sugar - raw silk  3) необученный; неопытный  4) ободранный, лишенный кожи, кровоточащий; чувствительный (о ране, коже)  5) промозглый (о погоде)  6) грубый, безвкусный (в художественном отношении)  7) sl. нечестный; raw deal - нечестная сделка raw head and bloody bones - изображение черепа с двумя скрещенными костями; что-л. страшное (особ. для детей) - pull a raw one  2. noun  1) что-л. необработанное, сырое  2) ссадина; больное место; to touch smb. on the raw - задеть кого-л. за живое  3. v. сдирать кожу RAW brick необожженный кирпич RAW hide  а) недубленая, сыромятная кожа;  б) кнут из сыромятной кожи RAW material сырье RAW silk шелк-сырец RAW spirit неразбавленный спирт RAW stuff сырье RAW sugar нерафинированный сахар RAW ore необогащенная руда ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. ссадина, больное место to touch smb. on the raw —- задеть кого-л. за живое 2. обнаженность in the raw —- нагишом to swim in the raw —- купаться без костюма to sleep in the raw —- спать голышом to present life in the raw —- изображать жизнь как она есть (без прикрас) 3. что-л. необработанное, сырое; сырье wild raw —- текст. шелк-сырец дубового шелкопряда 4. сырой, невареный raw fish —- сырая рыба raw milk —- сырое (непастеризованное, некипяченое) молоко raw water —- сырая (недистиллированная) вода 5. недоваренный, недожаренный, непропеченный this leg of mutton is quite raw —- эта баранья ножка совершенно не прожарилась 6. спец. сырой, необработанный raw material (product) —- сырье raw brick —- стр. необожженный кирпич raw coal —- рядовой уголь raw oil —- нефть, нефть-сырец raw cotton —- хлопок-сырец; фарм. негигроскопическая вата raw silk —- шелк-сырец raw yarn —- текст. сырая пряжа; необработанная пряжа raw rice —- с-х. необрушенный рис, рис-сырец raw edge of cloth —- неподрубленный край материи in raw condition —- в необработанном виде 7. кож. дело невыделанный raw hide —- недубленая (сыромятная) кожа 8. горн. необогащенный raw ore —- необогащенная (сырая) руда 9. неочищенный raw oil —- неочищенное масло или нефтепродукт raw sugar —- нерафинированный сахар 10. текст....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) сырой 2) необработанный 3) чувствительный (напр. о коже) 4) ссадина; больное место 5) сдирать кожу ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  прил. 1) общ. сырой; недоваренный, недожаренный, непропеченный (о пище) raw meat — сырое мясо 2) а) общ. необработанный raw brick — необожженный кирпич raw hide — недубленая сыромятная кожа raw ore — необогащенная руда raw sugar — нерафинированный сахар raw silk — шелк-сырец raw spirits — неразбавленные крепкие алкогольные напитки Нe drank it raw. — Он выпил (виски), не разбавляя. See: "raw material, "raw stuff б) общ. недоработанный, несовершенный raw data — предварительные приближенные данные raw talent — неотщлифованный талант a raw draft of a thesis — черновая версия диплома 3) эк. тр. необученный, неквалифицированный; неопытный, "зеленый" (напр. о сотруднике) a raw recruit — новобранец raw labour — неквалифицированные работники 4) общ. ободранный, лишенный кожи, кровоточащий (о ране, коже) raw place — царапина, ссадина; чувствительное больное место 5) общ. слякотный, промозглый (о погоде) 6) а) общ. грубый, безвкусный, вульгарный (в художественном отношении) Syn: vulgar б) общ. разнузданный, необузданный, неукротимый raw emotions — необузданные неподконтрольные эмоции raw power — неограниченная власть raw fury — необузданная ярость Syn: unbridled 7) общ. нечестный raw deal — нечестная сделка raw treatment from friends — несправедливое...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) грубый 2) групповой 3) необработанный 4) неочищенный 5) нерегенерированный 6) свежий 7) сырой 8) сырье - edible raw material - mineral raw materials - non-edible raw material - raw acid - raw coal - raw data rate - raw dolomite - raw film - raw gas - raw hide - raw information - raw moment - raw natural gas - raw natural gasoline - raw rubber - raw value - raw waste lumber ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) сырьё, сырьевой материал 2) сырой, необработанный 3) недоваренный; непропечённый; недожаренный 4) мн. ч. сахар-сырец RAW сокр. от read-after-write (operation) операция "запись после считывания" ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of food) uncooked. 2 in the natural state; not processed or manufactured (raw sewage). 3 (of alcoholic spirit) undiluted. 4 (of statistics etc.) not analysed or processed. 5 (of a person) inexperienced, untrained; new to an activity (raw recruits). 6 a stripped of skin; having the flesh exposed. b sensitive to the touch from having the flesh exposed. 7 (of the atmosphere, day, etc.) chilly and damp. 8 crude in artistic quality; lacking finish. 9 (of the edge of cloth) without hem or selvage. 10 (of silk) as reeled from cocoons. 11 (of grain) unmalted. --n. a raw place on a person's or horse's body. Phrases and idioms come the raw prawn Austral. sl. attempt to deceive. in the raw 1 in its natural state without mitigation (life in the raw). 2 naked. raw-boned gaunt and bony. raw deal harsh or unfair treatment. raw material that from which the process of manufacture makes products. raw sienna a brownish-yellow ferruginous earth used as a pigment. raw umber umber in its natural state, dark yellow in colour. touch on the raw upset (a person) on a sensitive matter. Derivatives rawish adj. rawly adv. rawness n. Etymology: OE hreaw f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  (~er; ~est)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hreaw; akin to Old High German hro ~, Latin crudus ~, cruor blood, Greek kreas flesh  Date: before 12th century  1. not cooked  2.  a.  (1) being in or nearly in the natural state ; not processed or purified ~ fibers ~ sewage  (2) not diluted or blended ~ spirits  b. unprepared or imperfectly prepared for use  c. not being in polished, finished, or processed form ~ data a ~ draft of a thesis  3.  a.  (1) having the surface abraded or chafed  (2) very irritated a ~ sore throat  b. lacking covering ; naked  c. not protected ; susceptible to hurt ~ emotions  4.  a. lacking experience or understanding ; green a ~ recruit  b.  (1) marked by absence of refinements  (2) vulgar, coarse ~ language  c. not tempered ; unbridled ~ power  5. disagreeably damp or cold a ~ winter day  Synonyms: see rude  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. noun  Date: 1823 a ~ place or state ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (rawer, rawest) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Raw materials or substances are in their natural state before being processed or used in manufacturing. We import raw materials and energy and export mainly industrial products. ...two ships carrying raw sugar from Cuba. ADJ: usu ADJ n 2. Raw food is food that is eaten uncooked, that has not yet been cooked, or that has not been cooked enough. ...a popular dish made of raw fish... This versatile vegetable can be eaten raw or cooked... ADJ 3. If a part of your body is raw, it is red and painful, perhaps because the skin has come off or has been burnt. ...the drag of the rope against the raw flesh of my shoulders... ADJ 4. Raw emotions are strong basic feelings or responses which are not weakened by other influences. Her grief was still raw and he did not know how to help her. ADJ: usu ADJ n 5. If you describe something as raw, you mean that it is simple, powerful, and real. ...the raw power of instinct. ADJ: usu ADJ n 6. Raw data is facts or information that has not yet been sorted, analysed, or prepared for use. Analyses were conducted on the raw data. ADJ: usu ADJ n 7. If you describe someone in a new job as raw, or as a raw recruit, you mean that they lack experience in that job. ...replacing experienced men with raw recruits... = inexperienced ? experienced ADJ: usu ADJ n 8. Raw weather feels unpleasantly cold. ...a raw December morning. = bitter ADJ 9. Raw sewage is sewage that has not been treated to make it cleaner. ...contamination of bathing water by raw sewage. = untreated ADJ: ADJ n 10. If you say that you are getting a raw deal, you mean that you are being treated unfairly. (INFORMAL) I think women have a raw deal. ? a fair deal PHRASE: v PHR 11. to touch a raw nerve: see nerve ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »FOOD« not cooked  (raw meat | raw carrot) 2 »INFORMATION« raw data/statistics etc information that has not been arranged, checked, or prepared for use 3 »SKIN« a part of your body that is raw is red and sore  (My hands were raw with cold.) 4 »MATERIALS« raw cotton, sugar, wool etc are in their natural state and have not yet been prepared for use  (- see also raw materials) 5 »NOT EXPERIENCED« not experienced or not yet fully trained  (Most of our soldiers were raw recruits.) 6 touch/hit a raw nerve to upset someone by something you say  (In mentioning his departure I knew I had touched a raw nerve.) 7 get a raw deal to be unfairly treated  (Women tend to get a raw deal when it comes to pay.) 8 »WEATHER« very cold and wet  (A raw wind chilled him to the bone.) 9 »EMOTIONS/QUALITIES« raw emotions or qualities are strong and natural, but not completely developed or controlled  (Katie was surprised by her own raw courage and endurance. | the singer's raw, husky voice) 10 »LANGUAGE« AmE informal containing a lot of sexual details 11 »DESCRIPTIONS« giving the unpleasant facts, without trying to make them seem more acceptable  (a raw account of poverty in the cities) - rawness n ~2 n 1 life/nature in the raw the way humans or animals live in their natural state including all the violence and cruelty  (Her films portray nature in the raw.) 2 in the raw AmE informal not wearing any clothes  (She sunbathes in the raw.) 3 catch/touch sb on the raw BrE to say or do something that upsets someone ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  transport. abbr. Riders Around The World mil. abbr. Reduction of Administrative Workload mil. abbr. Real American Warrior mil. abbr. Research Analysis Wing airport code Arawa, Papua New Guinea ocean sc. abbr. Repertoire Of Aquatic Warfare electron. abbr. Raw file image format clothes abbr. Radical Action Wear adult abbr. Raunchy Asian Women adult abbr. Raunchy Asian Woman comp. assem. abbr. Read After Write file ext. abbr. Rapid American Withdrawal file ext. abbr. Raw 24-bit RGB Bitmap graphics file ext. abbr. Reconfigurable Architecture Workstation file ext. abbr. Raw Sound data ( PCM) non-prof. org. abbr. River Alliance of Wisconsin educ. abbr. Reading And Writing sport abbr. Real American Wrestling sport abbr. Rarely Any Wrestling sport abbr. Rebel Armchair Warriors fam. abbr. Richard A Watson gen. bus. abbr. Retail And Wholesale pos. abbr. Restauranteur Artist Warrior chat abbr. Ready And Waiting ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: IN THE RAW. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. hreaw "uncooked, raw," from P.Gmc. *khrawaz, from PIE base *krowos. Meaning "tender, sore" is from c.1390; "inexperienced" from 1561; "damp and chilly" first recorded 1546. Rawhide is first attested 1658; raw material is from 1796. Phrase the raw "exposed flesh" is from 1823. Raw deal "harsh treatment" first attested 1912. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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